BIC Awards, rewarding health service excellence for ten years

Once again we have reason to celebrate at Ribera Salud. Once again, the outstanding daily work carried out by our professional staff has been publicly recognised by one of the most important healthcare awards in Spain, the Best in Class Awards. These awards, -organised by the Rey Juan Carlos University Chair of Innovation and Health Management, Medical Gazette and the Wecare-u Group publication- are judged by an elite panel made up of five regional government representatives and thirteen presidents of relevant scientific societies as well as other leaders in the healthcare sector.

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Entrevista del Conseller Llombart

El pasado 27 de enero, El Mundo publicó una amplia entrevista con el Conseller de Sanitat, Manuel Llombart, que me ha parecido muy interesante. Manuel Llombart es “nuevo” en el cargo (aún no se han cumplido dos meses desde su nombramiento) pero le avalan más de 15 años en el sector sanitario, con un gran … Leer más