His first day at work

Yesterday I visited Alzira to attend the presentation of the new director of the Health Department of La Ribera, Dr Javier Palau. It comes as no surprise that news of his appointment has been prominent in local and national communication media, because our way of understanding healthcare, the management model of Ribera Salud, continues to be the focal point of attention and the subject of study for the innovation, flexibility and best practices it provides to the public health system.

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The elephant in the room

La semana pasada publiqué una tribuna de opinión en la revista El Economista Comunitat Valenciana en la que reflexiono sobre el estado actual de la hucha de las pensiones y cuál será su estado en un futuro no muy lejano. Quisiera compartirla también en mi blog. Espero que os guste.

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Sesiones informativas colectivas

Miro con sorpresa la extraña iniciativa de ‘consultas colectivas’ que se ha puesto recientemente en funcionamiento en la sanidad pública valenciana. Parece que se pretende aligerar las listas de espera, -gran punto de debilidad y de injusticia de la sanidad pública tradicional-, mezclando sesiones informativas con consultas de preanestesia a un grupo numeroso de pacientes simultánea y colectivamente.

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Collective briefing sessions

I look in amazement at the strange ‘collective briefing sessions’ initiative that has recently been put into place in the Valencian public healthcare system. It seems like the aim is to cut waiting lists, a great and unfair weakness in the traditional public healthcare system, by combining briefing sessions with ‘pre-anesthesia consultations’ for a large number of patients, in a simultaneous and collective way.

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New year, new healthcare

2015 was a turning point in the history of Ribera Salud. We have strengthened our presence in the Valencian Community by becoming the majority shareholder at the Health Departments of Alzira, Torrevieja and Vinalopó. Through these deals, our group has consolidated its leading position in the concessions sector.

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Año nuevo, sanidad nueva

La semana pasada publiqué en la revista de El Economista Comunitat Valenciana una nueva tribuna de opinión con la que me despedí de 2015. Quisiera compartirla con todos vosotros por si no tuvisteis la oportunidad de leerla. Espero que os guste. Os deseo un Feliz Año Nuevo.

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From Alzira to Boston

On November 3 I had one of the most exciting professional experiences of my long career. I had the honor and privilege to sit in an MBA Class at the University of Harvard in Boston (Massachusetts), where our management model at the University Hospital of La Ribera was presented as a business case study.

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