The opinion of the professionals about healthcare

12The consultant firms Deloitte and Pharma Talents recently presented a study on ‘The current situation of the health system in Spain and its future prospects’. I think it is worth taking a closer look at the data provided by this survey which counted on the participation of more than 3,000 professionals in the sector. For any manager, no information is more valuable than that offered by professionals who know in depth the vicissitudes of health sector.

The findings contained in this report are vast, but I want to highlight a few that caught my attention. For example, 80% of those interviewed believe that the implementation of private public partnership models will extend. Furthermore, 78% believe that the health system needs better tools to measure and assess quality. Another piece of data that is worthy of note is that 69% believe that the system will evolve towards a more entrepreneurial profile and the same percentage have doubts about the sustainability of the health system.

I have always said that if health professionals were allowed to review the April Report we would find broad consensus to undertake renewed diagnoses providing innovation in the measures to be implemented. Perhaps that is why it has not been done; not for lack of interest from professionals in this sector.

Nevertheless, it is always encouraging to read these surveys because, even though it seems that there are few of us who advocate the need for reform, indeed there are many voices demanding that the system does not remain immobile; furthermore, if what we want is the long-term preservation of the current National Health System, we must be brave and take decisions.

From this blog, I would like to congratulate the promoters of this study and declare my admiration for the professionals who responded with the idea of getting a better health service for everyone. We will not desist.

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